My 5 Favorite Movies of 2017 So Far

The summer is wrapping up and we are heading into a traditional lull in the movie release lineup. It’s times like these that I like to take a minute and assess what really hit me so far in the year. I see only one other movie for the rest of the year making it into the top five (hint: it rhymes with The Vast Shedi), but it’ll be fun to see if anything else can make it. Without further delay…

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TV Review: Marvel's The Defenders

The plan with the Netflix Marvel shows was to follow the more adults-only characters in a season each, building up to the Avengers style team-up miniseries: The Defenders. This past weekend saw the release of that highly anticipated show. Was it any good?

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Toy Review: Suicide Squad Harley Quinn (Sideshow/Hot Toys)

The first theatrical Suicide Squad movie hit screens last summer to massive box office, terrible reviews and a divided fan base. One of the few things that almost everyone agreed on was Margot Robbie's terrific performance as the psychotic Harley Quinn.

Created in 1992 by Paul Dini and Bruce Timm for Batman: The Animated Series, Harley quickly moved beyond a one-time appearance as a comic relief henchwoman to the Joker and became a fan favorite character, cementing her place in the Bat-family canon. Throughout her 25 years of existence, Harley Quinn has remained one of the most popular characters in the DC Comics universe. She’s moved beyond the various Bat-titles and, in recent years, found herself becoming more of an anti-hero, teaming up with various characters throughout the DCU and landing herself a prominent spot on the Suicide Squad, leading to her inclusion in the film adaptation.

Hot Toys has truly outdone themselves here. Their 1:6 scale Harley Quinn from the Suicide Squad movie comes with pretty much everything she had in the movie: her Puddin choker, baseball bat, revolver and two speedloaders, two sets of bracelets, satin jacket, the purse that she liberated from the department store window, stand and background with a chunk of rubble, and three alternate sets of hands. The Sideshow exclusive version also comes with her mallet, briefly seen as the team is gearing up to head into Midway City to take on the Enchantress.

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